Set up AYAB
Make sure you have the latest firmware
Follow instructions here
Select your machine
- Open the AYAB desktop software
- On the toolbar select AYAB -> Preferences
- Select your machine from the dropdown
Single Bed Fair Isle
To create your own patterns, refer to section "Pattern creation". Carriage part names are defined on page 32 of the KH910 manual.
For your first practice sample, we will use this Triangles image that comes with AYAB:
- Cast on using needles Left30 - Right30 with your main yarn and knit a few rows of stockinette, ending on the left (KH910 manual, pp. 10-15, 18-21).
- Position the carriage so that the magnet on the center back of the carriage is outside the left turn mark.
- Run the AYAB software. In AYAB, left-click “Open Image File” or choose “Open Image File” from the File menu and select the file
that is located in the folder that opens by default (if you want to knit a different pattern, choose a black/white raster image, preferably in.png
file format. It must be at least as wide as the needles you are using). - In the AYAB software, leave all the settings as they are: Single Bed, Colors 2, Infinite Repeat unchecked, Start Row 1, Start Needle 30, Stop Needle 30, Alignment Center.
- You can leave Knit Side Image unchecked if you want the pattern to appear as it is in the file on the purl side of the work, i.e. the side facing you as you knit — this is how it worked with the original Brother electronics. If you check Knit Side Image, the image will be horizontally flipped so that it appears "correct" on the knit side of the work, also often called the "right" side. Note that before AYAB 1.0, the software always flipped the image.
- Click Knit. Wait until it says “Please start machine.”
- Set the KC change knob to KC1 or KC2.
- Move the carriage so the magnet on the back of the carriage crosses the left turn mark. You should hear a "triple-beep".
- Continue across the row. After you pass the end of the selected needles, it should beep. Our pattern has some black squares in row 1, you can see that they have been selected forward to D position.
If you are "air-knitting" (no yarn) you can just continue passing the carriage back and forth from here and observe how the machine moves needles to B or D position according to the pattern. Otherwise, if you're ready for actual Fair Isle knitting:
- Stop when the carriage is on the right at the end of the first row.
- Press the top half of the center button on the front of the carriage (or the whole center button ("MC") if yours is all one piece, see KH910 manual, p.42).
- Thread the second yarn into feeder B, and hold the loose end of the yarn for the first few stitches (KH910 manual, p.42).
Knit back and forth. There's a beep at the end of each row, that tells you when it's safe to turn around and start the next row. You can also watch the row numbers count up in the software.
At row 10, you'll see "Image Transmission finished." Knit until the long beep, then stop and look at the needles. Notice that it has selected the needles for row 10, but we haven't knitted them yet. So, knit one more pass from left to right. Now we have really finished, all needles are at B.
Set the KC knob to NL, cut and unthread the contrast yarn and knit a few rows of the main yarn (KH910 manual, p.43). Binding off is described on page 22 or pages 111-114 of the KH910 manual.
This article was written by Adrienne and modified by DerAndere
Feel free to improve it!
General instructions for lace can be found in your Brother manual. For example page 91 in the KH910 manual, and page 100 in the KH930/KH940 manual.
To knit lace using AYAB, cast on and knit an inch or two of stockinette, and park the main carriage on the right extension rail, with the yarn in it as usual. The role of the K carriage is to do two rows of stockinette after the lace carriage has moved the stitches around. It remains set to NL, with no buttons pushed in.
Start with the lace carriage on the left rail, outside the turn mark. Set the slider on the lace carriage to N.
Open a lace-suitable pattern in AYAB, such as 10.35.png
in the kh910
folder of the included patterns:
Make sure that Knit Side Image is unchecked: lace patterns do not work as expected when mirrored.
The other settings are all default: Single Bed, 2 colors, start at row 1, center alignment, you’ll usually need Infinite repeat.
Note that AYAB does not automatically repeat the pattern horizontally as Brother electronics do, so you may want to use the Image Actions > Repeat menu item if you are knitting on more needles than the pattern is wide.
Using the lace carriage and starting from the left, go through the usual AYAB starting sequence:
- Click Knit in the software.
- Move the lace carriage over the left turn mark and wait for the beep.
- Continue across, it will select needles according to row 1 of the pattern and beep on the right.
- Return across to the left. Are there any needles selected (i.e. in
position)? If yes, go over to the right again, and back. Repeat until no needles are selected. - When you’re on the left with no needles selected, abandon the lace carriage on the left extension rail and knit two rows with the main carriage (usually two rows, can be more). Notice that there are no beeps, AYAB ignores the main carriage in this case.
- Repeat: pass the Lace carriage across and back until nothing is selected and it’s on the left, then two rows with the main carriage.
Get into a steady rhythm; not too fast. It will beep at the end of each lace-carriage row.
Lace works best with the bed sitting flat. If your machine is up on the ribber brackets, let the lace knitting hang over the front of the ribber, not down between the beds.